The Time Journal®
Take 15 minutes of TIME to map out & master the pace of your day.
We’re giving The Time Journal® a makeover in 2024. Grab your copy of the first edition for just £10 while stocks last!
The TIME Journal was created with you in mind...
You, the human being, and not the human doing.
Let that sink in for a sec.
Because yes, you do a LOT.
The job, the kids, the business, the volunteering… and let me not get started on the household responsibilities and the growing piles of stuff on the stairs, which seem to be invisible to everyone else, because they’ve been stepped over more times than you can count.
But listen… really listen.
What do you want?
I don’t mean a glass of rosé and some sunshine (although, feel free.)
I mean beyond the responsibilities and the grind of the day to day you’ve somehow found yourself stuck in.
The human being part of you right now might be screaming that the answer to this question is a break. And I don’t doubt that.
But breaks, rest and reflection shouldn’t only be happening once we’ve got to the point of burnout and physically not being able to do anything else.
Your life is a gift.
If you choose to spend it saying ‘one day’ about the stuff you truly want to make space for in your life, whilst you simultaneously drown in going through the motions without seeing a way out, I hate to break it to you, but you’re just going to keep sinking.
The TIME Journal gives you space to come up for air every single day & pay attention to your true intentions in the midst of life happening as opposed to pretending it's not.
Listen, I get it. I mean truly I do.
It was 2019, about 9-months before the pandemic hit, and speaking of 9-months, the little guy I'd been growing for about that length of time (plus a couple of bonus weeks), finally made his appearance. My son was born.
Nothing anyone had told me and none of the books I'd read could prepare me how his arrival would affect every area of my life. Especially how I viewed my work.
For the 4 years before he made his entrance, I was a Business and Mindset Coach, and for 7 years prior to that, I was a High School Teacher. For over a decade, work had been where most of my waking hours were spent, and even if I'd have still wanted that, it was no longer an option.
Long days and sleepless nights meant that my mind and my body weren't cut out for the hustle I'd previously been proud of. After a while though, I realised I didn't want that any more.
I mean yes, I wanted to work, but not in the way I'd previously been doing it. I also wanted time with my baby. With my husband doing pretty long hours (pre-lockdown) and us opting for no additional childcare until our son was at least one, meant that the vast majority of my time was spent changing nappies, feeding, and getting a nap in when I wasn't trying to prevent our laundry basket from exploding...
When it was time to go back to work, I knew it not only had to look different, but also had to incorporate mental wellness and margin to step away when I needed to.
I also knew I wouldn't be the only one thinking in this way..
Exhausted employees, burnt out business owners and pushed to their limit parents everywhere were echoing my thoughts exactly when it came to desiring a way to take back their day to day in a way which felt more intentional than letting life happen to them whilst feeling there was nothing they could do about it.
There is. Welcome to The Time Journal.
After years of coaching around all things mindset and strategy, I decided to get my head down and work on how I could incorporate over a decade of teaching and coaching practice alongside my current experiences and find a way to make my method accessible to all who felt like they were in the place I was.
Because being 'multi-responsible' doesn't mean ignoring the parts of you, which can easily find themselves at the bottom of the list when you're not intentional about them.
Whether it's carving out more time for rest and recreation, finally completing your PhD, or going all out with that business idea which has been stuck at hobby status for way too long, the framework you find in The TIME Journal will support you to pay attention to your true intentions and then make them work for you in a way that's sustainable and doable alongside the rest of your very full life.
Get your Time Journal today!
Also gain access to the supporting mini-course. (Details below)
✔️ Hardback book or gold wire bound (also hardback) matt finish journal in a choice of 2 colours.
✔️ 90 undated daily journal pages.
✔️ A5 Size in both styles.
✔️ 10 explainer pages & deep dive pre-goal setting resources.
✔️ All pages thick & high quality (130gsm).
✔️ Free UK postage and packaging.
£25 UK | £30($42) International
£10 UK / £15 ($19) only while stocks last!
Purchase your Time Journal today and you'll also get access to a bonus mini-course to get you started 🥳...
The Time Journal mini-course (instant access bonus!)
Understand the basics of the framework and exactly how it works and is used most effectively over the course of 4 videos (each under 10 minutes) so that you can jump out of the starting blocks on achieving your goals without sacrificing your wellbeing right away, in the most effective and efficient way possible. Consider this your guided tour of the framework.
(£97 value)
The Time & Pace framework is founded on 4 key 'pillars'...
As well as a space to 'Connect and Reflect' daily as you ground yourself in the inner work, whether that be prayer, journaling or otherwise, which is essential for making the outer work happen, this the purpose of the 4 key sections of the framework:
Framework Breakdown Summary ⤵️
Hey, I'm Naomi 👋🏽
I’m a wife and mum of 2 from London, the Founder of Time & Pace® and the creator of The Time Journal®.
I’ve been both a High-School Teacher (7 years) and a Business Coach (4 years) and what over a decade of work in those two areas combined taught me is that whether you’re 14 or 74, we all have a lot of the same crazy to-do lists, thoughts and limiting beliefs, which cause us not to go and grow towards our goals and true intentions.
Imposter syndrome, fear, doubt, loss or lack of confidence, not to mention an (un)healthy dose of burnout and overwhelm - for one reason or another we find ourselves stuck between where we are and where we want to be all too often.
As well as taking a number of leaps of faith myself in the pursuit of my goals despite obstacles (things like moving to a town where I knew 0 people as a single 20-something, launching an online business when I had zero followers and then pivoting away from that same business 4 years later, not knowing what would be in store for me), I’ve also supported my clients and students to do the same.
Although I previously worked exclusively with entrepreneurs, I created the Time & Pace framework because I realised that so many of the skills I used to teach my clients were transferable to those in 9-5s, working at home, side hustling, and everything in between. Work and wellness in this format is for everyone. I’m sure you’ll feel the same as you check out the pages on the site.
As well as being a qualified Teacher, I’m also certified by GiANT Worldwide in their psychometric based leadership programme. I’ve been regularly featured on national radio and am a published contributing author with SPCK publishing and am currently writing my own book ‘Finding Flourishing’, to be published by BRF in July 2024 on all things work-life wellbeing. I’m also co-director of the education company my husband and I run together, which means that I have to practice what I preach regarding work-life wellbeing daily!
It’s wonderful to ‘meet’ you! I’m so glad you’re here.
Keep going. Keep growing. 💜
Got Questions? We've got answers…
Click the plus signs (+) below to reveal the answers to your Qs.
I've bought so many journals & planners in the past. What makes The Time Journal different?
As opposed to putting where you need to be productive at the forefront, The Time Journal focuses on where you need to be present. We're not about you trying to squeeze every last drop out of your day. Instead, we want you to have margin in your life. Beyond that though, The Time Journal gives you space to pay attention to your true intentions (not the ones you think you 'should' be focused on.) Once you're clear on what you truly want to do, The Time Journal gives you steps and guidance to make it happen step by step using the framework and the mini course for guidance.
What does work-life wellbeing mean?
Essentially, I don't agree with the idea of work-life balance. I mean, I get what they're getting at, but I just don't think it really exists. Sometimes you're running at 100 mile an hour in your work, sometimes you're up to your neck in piles of laundry and kids homework. Sure, there might be a day or 2 where there's a blissful balance of both, but it's not realistic longterm. Work-life wellbeing focuses you on what you're doing and how you're doing while you're doing it, so that you steer clear of burnout and a boundary-less life.
Can I buy a Time Journal as a gift for someone else?
Yes, absolutely. A number of people have purchased The Time Journal for friends and colleagues. They make great gifts! As The Time Journal already comes gift wrapped, you can simply include your friend/colleague's postal address instead of yours when prompted. You can even add a note from you. Your welcome email will share info with you regarding the address and gift note details. Please add your own email address at checkout because you'll be sent course access details via your welcome email, which is where you'll need to input your friend/colleague's address. Don't worry, you'll also be prompted to add their email address too so that I can grant them their course access too.
The Time Journal
Take 15 minutes to map out & master the pace of your day.
- I created The Time Journal because I didn’t want to have 4 different journals (one for prayer prompts, one for daily tasks, one for affirmations and one for gratitude) and so I created a journal which would house all of that.
- I wanted to ensure that busy and ambitious people like you didn’t neglect the inner work which is so essential to going and growing towards our goals and yet often the part we think about last. (And that's where the burnout happens.)
- It's important that us 'multi-responsible' people are laser focused when it comes to making our life and work, well... work. This framework does that without you needing to digest loads of information before you get there - I get it, you don't have the time for that!
- The Time & Pace framework is transferable in that you can apply it to any type of goal, as you'll hear all about in the mini-course, which you get instant access to as soon as you sign up - so you can get started with the framework before your journal even arrives!
Get your Time Journal today!
Also gain access to the supporting mini-course. (Details above)
✔️ Hardback book or gold wire bound (also hardback) matt finish journal in a choice of 2 colours.
✔️ 90 undated daily journal pages.
✔️ A5 Size in both styles.
✔️ 10 explainer pages & deep dive pre-goal setting resources.
✔️ All pages thick & high quality (130gsm).
✔️ Free UK postage and packaging.