“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.” - 1 Corinthians 12:26
I am not political in the slightest. I often don’t understand a lot of what is shared from a political standpoint. This is not something I’m especially proud of. It’s just a fact as of right now. However, I like much of the rest of the world, have been stunned, sickened and deeply saddened by the current events taking place globally - the innocent bloodshed is unbearable. Although our efforts to support the protection of innocent lives may seem small, as fellow human beings, we have a responsibility to play our part. As christians, I’d argue even more so.
The links below are to petitions you can sign, , and free resources you can get in order to inform your thinking, action and prayers.
For the escalating conflict in Gaza and Israel:
Sign the Amnesty International petition demanding a ceasefire
Sign the Change Now petition demanding a ceasefire
Sign the UK Government & Parliament petition demanding a ceasefire
We’ve been told Parliament will debate this petition on 11 December 2023. 🙏🏽
For persecuted christians globally:
Sign up to receive ‘Voice’, Release International’s free magazine, which updates you on the plight of Christians being persecuted and martyred for their faith worldwide. You receive a physical magazine and also email updates with news and specific prayer points.